Category Archives: New Articles

Save Stored Energy Until We Need It

There is a strong behavioral tradition, sometimes considered religious, sometimes considered “mystical”:  it always involves singing, dancing, prayer, until you get yourself worn out.  At that point, you ought to be healed.   “Tradition” is key: different traditions for different cultures, all of which indicate:
We have to work as hard as we can until we are worn out.
We have to recognize that, on our own, we haven’t succeeded.
We have to ask for help.
God will help us.  There’s Armageddon. 

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Modeling for Miniatures

This post was written following a workshop on sculpting miniatures taught by Paris Alexander at The Artspace in Raleigh, NC in Summer 2010.
“I have three of you on my kitchen table in blue.”  Over the last month I have been having a new experience:  I have been making clay sculptures of two people:  three of a woman, and two of a man:  both of whom I have drawn pictures of before.
Making a miniature offers the same problem that making a monument does, though it does so in reverse:  how can I change the size of a sculpture and maintain its intensity? 

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Teaching as Delight (2)

   I have worked with many subjects, and with many students, from nursery school into graduate school.  As I have studied “teaching people,” I have learned that the “who-being-taught” is always more important than the “what” that is being taught to them; and that the one result to look for, in all of us, at every point in the process, is delight. 
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Teaching as Delight

  I got my first assignment as a teacher when I graduated from high school at sixteen years old and was asked by my pastor to prepare a ten-year old girl for her first communion.   I was scheduled to enter St. Charles Seminary as a college freshman that fall.  Maybe this was in some way a “suitability test,”
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